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Collection Drive 2016!

A number of local community organisations and charities have come together to help make a difference to others around the world. It was quickly realised that we share many of the same ideas, beliefs and ideologies. We have now decided that is about time we combine our efforts and work together to make the largest impact.

For me, it was on the roads of Nepal, where with some of the Hope for Nepal team we were visiting their projects. Now I am an avid reader, I rarely travel anywhere without a book, and if for an extended period of time, you will find at least 2-3 books in my bag! Whilst on the rickety roads of Nepal, I was reading a book called “Leaving Microsoft to Change the World” by John Wood. It was a story on how a Microsoft Executive decided he would leave his job and commit his life to help build libraries around Nepal, the organisation is called Room to Read.

On our journey I saw many Room to Read libraries but many without books. It got me thinking. I love reading and I am sure just like John Wood, I know so many people who have books collecting dust on the shelf. So I thought why not follow suit? Collect books from my nearest and dearest and we can share these with the children who do not have access to books. I shared this idea with the Hope for Nepal team.

img_6404Coincidently, various organisations in the UK had already started working on doing clothes collection for the under-privileged. So it was a simple enough thought – why not join and work together? We can have a much larger impact than just one team alone, and so Collection Drive 2016 was born!

While there are many potential projects and settings we can donate to in various places around the world, after meeting with representatives from different organisations, it was decide to concentrate this time on collecting clothes and books for schools and villages in Nepal.

Each one of us has many items that are well kept but we do not have a use for. They would either be collecting dust in our homes or be thrown away without a second thought. We want to help those around the world that are in need. We may not have a need for the old book we read as a child or to our children, but many children would love to have the opportunity to read. We may have grown out of those clothes that we hardly wore, but many have such a desire to have another top or trousers to wear so that they do not have to wear their one pair every day.

For this Collection Drive we request books of all types for all age ranges from baby level to university text books and novels. Regarding clothes, we want to be mindful to those we are collecting for. We request donations are from your heart and please donate washed and ironed clothes.

We mobilised quickly and contacted schools, being the end of the school year we had to move quickly. We learnt that many schools throw out their old books. Yes literally throw away! A logistic team was mobilised to collect these books and within 2 weeks we had 7 palates of books collected from schools! Unfortunately, we did miss the opportunity with a few schools but we know for next time!

In some cases it may well be cheaper to buy books locally and disseminate, however we feel here in the UK we ourselves have so many we would throw away and waste, so we want to recycle where possible. There is value in our donated items; not only the love and intention in which they are given but the knowledge and happiness it can give others.

We may think that we have worn a certain item of clothing a few times and it has no further use, or we have finished our studying so we do not need that text book any longer, for others these things are priceless. Here in the UK books are becoming scarce and eBooks and electronic devices are becoming more popular. This is why we have chosen to focus on clothes and books for this collection.

Together with Oshwal Association of the UK, Hope for Nepal, CAREducation Trust, Shishukunj, Veerayaten, Shree Kadwa Patidar Samaj (UK), Kutch Culture Community and others we are all working together to help others.

Why waste, when others can benefit.

For more information on Collection Drives dates and locations, and to join us to help make a difference, please see:

By Dilisha Shah

CAREducation Trust Co-ordinator
On behalf of Collection Drive 2016 Team

Book drive

Out of respect for our fellow humans, who will receive the clothes, please ensure that donated clothes are CLEAN & in GOOD WEARABLEconditions. We require: Adult & Children clothes, e.g. Shirts, T-shirts, jeans & trousers and traditional Indian clothes (e.g. Women’s sarees).

Collection Dates

  • Sun 11 Sept 2016 at Oshwal Centre, Potters Bar
  • Fri 16 Sept 2016 at Veerayatan at Kingsbury High School
  • Sat 24 Sept 2016 at Shishukunj Bhavan, Edgware
  • Sat 8 Oct 2016 at Shishukunj Bhavan, Edgware
  • Sat 8 Oct 2016 (evening) at Kadva Patidar
  • Sun 9 Oct 2016 (afternoon) at Kadva Patidar

About the Organisations

To read more about the various organisations working together, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our list of FAQs to learn more about the collection drive, click here.

Key Contacts

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