Volunteer Experiences

CARE Trekkers: A journey to the roof of Africa

By October 10, 2013 No Comments

After the success of the Rickshawalas, the CARE Youth team were thinking what we could do next, and naturally climbing mountains came to mind. The plan was formulated to climb the world’s highest free-standing mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. This time we wanted to share the adventure with as many people as we could, and the word was spread. We were getting a little nervous when after 1 month only team leader Ronak had signed up to the trek. But before we knew it we had 30 willing participants to join us, and literally in the weeks before we left we grew to a team of 35!

We trained together by climbing UK peaks, Snowdon, Yorkshire, Ben Nevis, and during the week, hills on the side of the A40! We thought this would prepare us for what was waiting for us in Africa.

Charity Fundraising

The majority of us flew out together and took over half the plane only to wait outside Nairobi airport for 5 hours on the pavement for our transfer. When the rest of our team picked up up they were armed with chevdo* and smiles, we soon forgave them for the lack of chai thermos’! Excited but sleepy, off we went for the long drive to Moshi.

The next 6 days were an experience to say the least, but here is a wonderful review from Ashish one of the CARE trekkers. This was by far the most physically challenging task I have carried out to date. Seeing the Uhuru summit sign and climbing that last step, made it all worth while. In times of difficulty my mind went to the children we support that walk for miles, and in Manali, trek for days for their education. If they can do it, then I should do this for them. It was this thought that got me to the top.

What was amazing to see was how the 35 of us became a strong team, supporting and helping one another. From day 1 to day 6 the change was visible, not everyone knew each other, but by the end this group became a family. It was from the encouragement from one another that this was a successful trip. Although not everyone managed to reach the summit, they were no less part of the team. It was the journey we took together that counts, not just the final destination.  Lasting friendships have been made during this trip.

This was a great example of what CARE Youth is all about, like minded individuals coming together as one.


Not forgetting the reason behind this challenge, to raise funds and establish another Africa based project. Some team members visited numerous projects whilst in Africa, updates on these are to follow soon.

CARE Trekkers

We are happy to report that out of our £50,000 target we have currently collectively reached an amazing £44,500!  We are also planning a wonderful African themed dinner and dance 30th November, Midnight Safari. More details are to follow, please keep it free and do join us. Help us reach our target and be a part of the change to make a difference. To ensure we can give as many children as possible their right to an education.


Thank you all for your never ending encouragement, we can only do what we do because of all of you.

I think it’s time to start thinking about the next big adventure for 2014, get in touch if you have any ideas or want to be involved! careyouth@careducation.org

Vice President and Kilimanjaro Conquerer


*(savoury snack, famous in Kenya!)

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